Basil Halperin

Research — Basil Halperin


Optimal monetary policy under menu costs (with Daniele Caratelli)

▸ Abstract

Transformative AI, existential risk, and asset pricing (with Trevor Chow and J. Zachary Mazlish)

▸ Abstract

The ZLB is NBD: 5 theses on the New Keynesian “liquidity trap”

▸ Abstract

Toward an understanding of the economics of apologies: evidence from a large-scale natural field experiment (with Ben Ho, John A. List, and Ian Muir)

The Economic Journal (2022)

[publisher’s version]; [slides]; [Twitter thread]

▸ Abstract

In progress

Competing fiat moneys and nominal rigidities [extended abstract] (with Adam Baybutt and J. Zachary Mazlish)

▸ Abstract

Experimentally reducing menu costs: evidence from one of the world’s largest retailers (with Daniele Caratelli)

Decomposing the Great Stagnation: Baumol’s cost disease vs. “ideas are getting harder to find” (with J. Zachary Mazlish)

Inelastic markets in the short run, elastic markets in the long run (with J. Zachary Mazlish)

Older work

Monetary Misperceptions: Optimal monetary policy under incomplete information (2017)

▸ Abstract